About Us

Meet the team

Alex Davies

Chief Executive Officer

Bio goes here

Victoria Grieves

Chief Finance Officer

Bio goes here

Claire Weaver

Governance Professional

Bio goes here

Jacqui Symonds

Safeguarding Manager

Bio goes here

Our Vision

The vision of Orchard Multi-Academy Trust is to enable all stakeholders in our schools to plant, grow and flourish.

We are dedicated to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where all members of our team (children, staff, parents and governors) can develop deep roots in their school communities.

Through a rich and diverse range of learning experiences, we aim to enable every individual to achieve and thrive. Ultimately, our goal is to support each child to push the boundaries of what their best actually looks like through the development of strong school communities.

Just like the colours of a rainbow, the needs and diversity of pupils covers a wide spectrum. Orchard is a Multi-Academy Trust committed to providing an environment for all children to grow and flourish.

Our Promise

To help schools to plant, grow and flourish, we make our Promise:

Pupils – We always prioritise our pupils, placing their needs at the forefront of our decision-making processes.

Relationships – We are listening schools that are outward-looking, actively working with the community and other schools.

Opportunities – We enable development and enrichment opportunities for all to unearth and foster talents.

Moral – We are schools that reflect on the purpose of what we do; fulfilling our civic duty and helping all.

Improvement – We never lose sight of our mission to continually make progress and support schools to make positive strides forward.

Sustainability – We think of our impact on the planet and the future, actively seeking to make a difference.

Ethos – We foster a strong individual identity in schools to reflect the values that communities hold dear.


We’ve answered some of the most common questions about our MAT here, from strategic planning to practical support.

Got a different question? We’d be happy to hear from you. Get in touch on our contact page.

  • What is the biggest advantage of being in our Multi-Academy Trust?

    Arguably one of the most valuable benefits of joining a Multi-Academy Trust member is gaining access to a vast collaboration network between schools. This network is an invaluable resource that can help you address any areas for improvement. Becoming part of a tight-knit network means that support is never far away, whether that be from other like-minded schools or the Trust’s central services: Orchard is a community.

    Due to a fast-changing educational landscape, stability and protection are just two benefits that can have a long-lasting impact on schools. A support network will always be available to help you adjust to any unexpected changes.

  • What is our MAT culture?

    • We are dedicated to helping the whole child, to unlock their potential and instil a love of learning.
    • We share the wealth of experience and expertise from across our trust to enrich and bring learning to life for our children.
    • We mix the pursuit of academic excellence in core subjects with a creative curriculum which expands minds and instils a sense of curiosity of the wider world.
    • Every member of staff in our trust genuinely cares about the achievement, development, well-being and future of all of our children.
    • Staff are committed to providing a learning environment where staff and pupils health, safety and wellbeing is carefully considered.
    • We are here for all children, to raise aspirations, inspire them to go far and use their gifts to help others.
    • Our teachers, support staff, head of school and administrators work in partnership with our families to help the children be the best they can be.
    • We believe in the power and potential of all people to make a positive difference.
    • We are outward-looking, sharing expertise across the county to drive improvement – not only in our own Trust – but with other Trusts, organisations and communities.
    • We want to ensure all schools receive high quality CPD for all staff.

  • What makes our MAT culture different from other trusts?

    • Each academy has the autonomy to deliver the curriculum as it wishes, and as it fits their profile of pupils, as long as it performs to a high standard.
    • The Trust is based on collaboration and working together for the good of all the children in its care.
    • The individual nature of each academy, from uniform to local flavour, is
    • Staff have the opportunity and are enabled to work with other academies across the MAT, to strengthen their own personal development and support other schools.
    • A high-quality Governance and Executive Leadership structure provides support and challenge for all academies to perform to a high standard and ensure clear accountability at all levels.

  • How do we collaborate and move forward together?

    • Networks of curriculum leaders working together on curriculum and enrichment
    • Head teachers/Heads of schools work together to ensure a coherent strategic direction and drive is in
    • Each Head teacher is committed to working across the MAT and having an impact beyond their own
    • Quality joint INSET and Continuing Professional Development is in place. Emanating this professional development across county will be key to driving success.
    • Clear and consistent financial procedures and reporting systems in place across the
    • A shared focus on developing teaching and learning brought together through the MAT Business Plan and Academy Improvement Strategy.

  • What will the Academies gain from being part of the MAT?

    • A quality Leadership Team and Director Board to support and challenge the
    • Headship/leadership support.
    • Clear and sound financial procedures which comply fully with the Academies Financial Handbook.
    • Support in implementing the Christian interpretation of the vision and values of the Trust (for C of E schools) to enhance a school’s Christian distinctiveness.
    • Support in implementing the vision and values of the Trust (for non-C of E schools) to enhance a school’s identity.
    • A range of networks which collaborate to improve outcomes across the
    • A shared commitment from all Academies that the MAT must be greater than the sum of its parts.
    • Membership of an Executive Team charged with ensuring compliance and improvement across the
    • Collective strength – the opportunity for joint training, planning, leadership support and efficiencies.
    • Access to joint
    • Quality financial systems to ensure that academy budgets effectively deliver the vision of the Trust and academies.

  • What do the central services look like at Orchard?

    The trust will continue to grow, which will perpetuate the support of central services.  Areas which are already supported include:

    • Collaboration subject leader meetings – this includes support network for EYFS leads, SENCo collaboration and Designated Safeguarding Leads supervision meetings
    • Safeguarding manager – to lead on policy, auditing and support with systems
    • Estates/Facilities manager – to lead and support on all buildings work and H&S requirements
    • Executive Board – from key headteachers within the trust to drive improvement and support
    • Finance – extensive support from the Chief Financial Officer including support in budget setting and monthly monitoring with reporting to local and trust boards. Academy Auditing Services.
    • Administration of the MAT bank account, VAT returns, BACS payments, issue and management of charge cards
    • Submission of statutory ESFA returns
    • Payroll and HR support
    • Recruitment support
    • Pension administration, audit and valuations
    • Inspection support – extensive, onsite and remote support during OfSTED and SIAMs inspections.
    • Trust wide policy setting and support with policies at local level
    • Complaints management – using central staff and external support to guide through difficult situations
    • External CPD – nationwide exemplar CPD bought in for subject specific support
    • Communications support and PR management

    As the Trust grows, we will look at further developments and offers from the Trust.  This includes – Therapuetic Services (Speech and Language, Play Therapy etc), Leadership training and support, SIAMs/Curriculum manager etc.

  • What opportunities are there for children and staff?

    We have developed, and continue to develop, many opportunities for children and staff within our trust. These include:

    • Sports competitions/leagues and festivals
      • We host a range of sports competitions and leagues, including; football, netball, Tag-rugby, gymnastics, Tri-golf…the list goes on!
      • Multi skills
      • Climbing
      • Athletics


    • Extra curricula activities and competitions
      • Speech festival
      • Debating competition
      • Greater Depth Maths workshops
      • Greater Depth Writing workshops
      • Spelling Bee
      • Adventure Squad – boosting confidence through fun, physical activity


    • Secondary School Transitions
      • Surfing to High School – for those children attending a school where no one or few others from the same school are attending.  Links made with other primaries to spend time together prior to High School transition.
      • High School representatives attending collaboration and writing moderation meetings.


    • Pupil action groups
      • Interschool trips to share good practice and for pupils to develop their own school’s vision.
      • Action groups involving School Councils, Worship Committees, Digital Leaders, Mental Health.


    • Collaboration groups – available for a range of staff
      • DSL supervision group
      • SENDCo – sharing of expertise/resources
      • Writing moderation – all year groups, bi annually
      • Year 6 teachers writing project – developing greater depth writers
      • EYFS working group and moderation
      • Subject leaders group – Two year cycle


    • Trust wide choirs – multiple performances at the Cathedral, including with our Military Youth Choir and iSing Pop, along with Young Voices trust wide trip to Birmingham.
